Sections pp. 29, 35
Ligaments of the lumbar part of the vertebral column
Pedicuius arcus vertebrae
Disci intervertebrales
Lig. longitudinale posterius
Vertebra lumbalis V,
Corpus vertebrae
Os sacrum
Fig. 788
Ligaments of the lumbar part
of the vertebral column.
Proc costalis
Proc articularis inferior
Proc, articularis superior
Lamina arcus vertebrae
Proc, spinosus
Articulatio zygapophysialis; Lig. transversum
Lig flavum
Fig. 789
Vertebral joints of the lumbar part of the vertebral
column, Articulationes zygapophysiales lumbales;
dorsal view from the right
Reinforcement of the interarticular joints by strong and
transverse fibres [Ligg. transversal is restricted to the lumbar
part of the vertebral column.